Monday, August 24, 2015

A New Year

School has started again.  August is the toughest month.  Tougher than even May, and I didn't know how bad it would be.  I'm getting through it on my own.  I don't have a choice.

When my best friend was here, I could breathe again.  Inhale, exhale; I remembered myself.  It helped to laugh with her about what a fucking pussy he is.  Screw him, after all, you know!?  I was a good woman fed a thousand lies.  I've survived a thousand broken promises now.

When she left, though, and I was alone again, the bottom dropped out once again.  But only for a I am, managing everything all by myself.  Every dinner, every packed lunch, every trip to the store; the kids have everything they could need.  I am handling my son's special needs with a peace inside me I've never had: we will make it.  Forever now I will know I was only down and out in my bed, wallowing with this pain, for a single weekend.  I've been the best version of myself since he's left.

There's things though that I can't admit to the dreams I still have that tear me apart.  The home phone rang yesterday and it was his generic company number on the caller ID.  It could have been him: they all show up that way.  My heart raced straight out of my chest.  The aftermath of the adrenaline made me sick.  I answered it so quickly.  If I'm honest with myself I know I wanted it to be him; and I would have given anything to touch him again.  He's not quite dead to me.  He's just been dying for three months.  Almost there in this brand new year.

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